7.2 Magnitude Earthquake hits Alasska

There was an 7.2 earthquake just of the coast of Alaska that struck Friday.  The quake was about 22.1 mile deep in a relatively temblor capable of causing damage.  It actually hit one of the Aluetian Islands which is about 120 miles away from Akta, Alaska.  In June there was an earthquake that hi tin almost the exact same area that this one hit.  It had a 7.2 magnitude.

The U.S. geological Survey said that the earthquake struck in waters about 6:55 a.m. ET.  The tsunami warning was in effect for Unimak Pass to Amchitka, but was canceled an hour later.


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  4. nbecton4ecspress

    Wow, thats scary if you live in Alaska, or any where in the tsunami zone. I hope that there were no casualties or major injures, and I hope that we can prevent earthquake damage in the future.

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